Track 1 – Les espaces de données et la nouvelle boîte à outils juridique européenne

Ce track est organisé par The Green Land en collaboration avec Geonovum et avec the Joint Research Centre

Le programme détaillé sera bientôt mis en ligne. Stay tuned!
Vous entrez maintenant dans le Data space

Veuillez noter que le programme tient compte de la langue (FR/NL/EN) dans laquelle les sessions sont présentées.

You are now entering the data space: The consistent European vision about the geopolitical and socio-economic role of data is in the process of being implemented as the common data space. This single market for data, adds the freedom of movement of data to that of people, products and capital. Key here is both putting people first and maximising the use value of data for societal issues and innovation. The implementation of the common data space initially follows the policy domains with existing European policy targets, such as the Green Deal. Meanwhile the confusion about what a dataspace means in practice is strong. Different assumptions and definitions are being used interchangeably and simultaneously. The role of geo-information is highly important, yet at the same time not automatically given. It will need to be actively claimed. Knowing what your purpose in the data space is, gives you a clear measure of value and success. Being clear about which meaning of the label data space you are attaching to a specific context helps move the implementation forward while reducing the confusion. This session will help you do both, so that geo-information is an acknowledged valuable contribution to the data space, and so that existing experience is adopted as good practice.

Setting-the-scene: bringing partners together in a dataspace (EN)

Ton Zijlstra - Geonovum

Introduction and setting the scene, bringing partners together in a dataspace.

How the Green Deal Data Space should serve the European Environmental Policies (EN)

Sotirios Kanellopoulos - DG Environment, European Commission

The value and importance of the Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) to the Green Deal and other European environmental policies.

Establishing the Green Deal Data Space Foundation and its Community of Practice, building on the European Green Deal and EU Data Strategy (EN)

Weronika Borejko - European Association of Remote Sensing Companies , Raymond Oonk - SURF

An outline of the outcomes of the Green Deal Data Space preparatory actions of the past 18 months. Based on five pillars: Community of Practice, Priority Datasets, Technical Blueprint, Governance & Business Models.

Implementing the new public sector obligations with regard to High Value Data and how they are contributing to the GDDS (EN)

An Heirman - GIM

Recap and Questions, moderated by Ton Zijlstra (EN)

Ton Zijlstra - Geonovum
Ton Zijlstra

Ton Zijlstra

Founding partner The Greenland - Geonovum
Sotirios Kanellopoulos

Sotirios Kanellopoulos

Team EU data strategy - DG Environment, European Commission
Weronika Borejko

Weronika Borejko

European Association of Remote Sensing Companies
La nouvelle boîte à outils juridique européenne pour les obstacles quotidiens à l’utilisation des données

Veuillez noter que le programme tient compte de la langue (FR/NL/EN) dans laquelle les sessions sont présentées.

The new European legal toolkit for everyday obstacles in data use and sharing: The current European Commission has delivered a major horizontal legal framework, as part of their digital and data strategies. These laws, such as the Data Governance Act, Data Act, AI Regulation and High Value Data implementing regulation, contain novel instruments to reduce friction in the use and availability of data. These instruments will practically express themselves in the common European data space. They allow different modes of handling data between what are now either open, closed or contracted settings. This session takes these new instruments as a source of agency in using data in specific contexts. Known obstacles in sharing and using data between government and private parties, such as w.r.t. the energy transition, might be solvable using these new instruments. This improves the use of geo-information and its contribution to pressing public issues.

Explaining the new legal EU instruments (EN)

Ton Zijlstra - Geonovum

How the new legal EU framework and the green deal data space are connected (EN)

Sara Thabit-Gonzalez - JRC – ISPRA

Exercise with audience participants on how the different new legal instruments might be helpful in addressing the known obstacles (EN)

Wideke Boersma - Geonovum , Ton Zijlstra - Geonovum
Ton Zijlstra

Ton Zijlstra

Founding partner The Greenland - Geonovum
Sara Thabit-Gonzalez

Sara Thabit-Gonzalez

Project Officer - Inclusive Data Governance - JRC – ISPRA
Wideke Boersma

Wideke Boersma

EU data strategy advisor - Geonovum

