Scope: each received mail whose signature consists of

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this mail and annexes are classified as BLUE at the NGI.

This document, together with its annexes, is the author’s exclusive responsibility.

This document contains information which, unless otherwise stated, does not reflect an official decision or opinion of the NGI.

Therefore, this message is in no way binding for the NGI and gives you no rights.

If necessary in dealing with your question or the dossier concerned, you will receive an official message directly from the NGI.

It is forbidden to use or distribute the information in this document, unless you have received the express permission of the author of this document and you take account of the fact that this person is expressing him/herself on his/her own behalf.

This document and any annexes may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by copyright, and only intended for use by the recipient(s) as part of the service provided by the NGI. Use of the content (including, but not limited to its entire or partial reproduction, announcement or distribution in any form whatsoever) by anyone other than the recipient is forbidden.

Have you received this message by mistake? Please inform the sender by telephone or e-mail and remove it from all computers. Thank you for your cooperation.

In sending this message, including annexes, by electronic means, the NGI is not responsible for the accuracy or entirety of the content, nor for the prompt receipt thereof.

The NGI does not guarantee that this message, including annexes, is free from interception, manipulation and viruses and or technical problems.

The NGI accepts no responsibility whatsoever for (in)direct damage and costs caused by consulting and or using information in this document, including annexes.


Scope: each received mail consists of:

  • (e.g.:
  • service/ (e.g.:;;

This message is an official message from the NGI and implies automatically our responsibility. This message contains information adapted to your personal or specific circumstances or which is sent to you as part of the administrative process. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this mail and annexes are classified as GREEN at the NGI.

It is forbidden to use or distribute the information in this message, unless you have received the express permission of the NGI.

This document and any additions may contain information that is confidential and/or protected by copyright, and only intended for use by the addressee(s) as part of the service provided by the NGI or the topics concerned in this message. Use of its content (including, but not limited to its entire or partial reproduction, announcement or distribution in any form whatsoever) by anyone other than the addressee is forbidden. Have you received this message by mistake? Please inform the NGI by telephone or e-mail and remove it from all computers. Thank you for your cooperation.

The NGI accepts no responsibility whatsoever for (in)direct damage and costs caused by consulting and or using information in this message, including annexes.

The NGI does not guarantee that this message, including annexes, is free from interception, manipulation and viruses and or technical problems.

Our colleagues do their best to help you in your own language, even if it is not their mother tongue. As an organisation, we apologise for any language errors that may have occurred in this message. If you wish to give any feedback, please send it to the following address: